Being in a relationships does not mean you're forever in love with each other, that is why we try our best to keep them intact. Since we can not read peoples minds or understand their true feelings, we are left struggling to get along as best we can. This happen most of the time to us because we are human that commonly experience this. When we get into a relationship with someone it requires time and dedication. You should exert an effort in that relationship to understand one another and to fulfill both of the needs and dream.
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What if you are not as interested in that person as you originally thought before? What if he or she simply cannot fulfill all your needs? By that point you may already be in a long standing relationship with that person. Although they may not meet all your expectations, you probably still love them and do not want to hurt them. From this reason many affair relationships happen because you or your partner are not satisfy and wanting more. You are left wanting more but you still want your partner, so you wander off the path and go find someone else in an attempt to satisfy your urges.
You may not want to hurt your partner because you just wanted something more but, unfortunately that does not matter. Whether you intended to or not, you did indeed cause your partner feel great harm. Because of your inability to control your urges they are left with the emotional pain that comes from betrayal.
The solution here is control. You could not be wholly satisfied and this is where you have to stop and let logic take over. You better ask yourself if you truly love this person, if you do then you have to control your urges and not to betray them.
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If you find yourself not as in love as you once before, do not stay out of guilt. So many people make this mistake, they find out that they are not truly in love with the person but by then it is too late. Since they do not want to hurt their partner they try to have a secret affair relationships.
If you do that you just causes them far more pain to have an affair behind their back then if you had simply broken up with them. Honesty and respect are fundamental aspects of a relationship, by having an affair you walk all over those tenants. If you determine that you simply are not in love with your partner anymore, be honest about your feelings and tell them that the relationship is over. Do it as gently as possible but do not allow yourself to remain in the relationship out of fear of hurting them.
=>> Click Here for The Biggest Secrets of Making Your Ex Go Crazy for You Again!
Once out of that relationship you are free to pursue other people, hopefully finding someone that gives you all the fulfillment you are looking for. If you love your partner, or even just respect them, then an affair is not be the best choice. Instead let them go and move on, it will be better for everyone involved.
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